Federal Budget Individual & Personal Taxation | May 2024: Budget Alert

Although already legislated in revised form, 第三阶段减税仍然是政府生活费用救济计划的主要支柱之一, delivering a tax cut to 13.6 million taxpayers.  The current and new resident tax rates are as follows:

Personal tax rates

第三阶段的减税现在已经重新设计和立法,以提供相同的个人税收总体减少, but relief is now spread across all taxpayers.


0%$0 – $18,200
19%$18,201 – $45,000
32.5%$45,001 – $120,000
37%$120,001 – $180,000

Medicare is an additional 2% where applicable

Recently legislated resident tax rates from 1 July 2024 will be:

0%$0 – $18,200
16%$18,201 – $45,000
30%$45,001 – $135,000
37%$135,001 – $190,000

Medicare is an additional 2% where applicable

Medicare Levy low-income threshold increase

As part of the cost of living relief, 医疗保险低澳门官方赌场门槛提高,因此低澳门官方赌场个人继续免于支付医疗保险税. 

  • 单身人士的门槛将从24276美元提高到26000美元.
  • The family threshold will be increased from $40,939 to $43,846.
  • 对于单身老年人和养老金领取者,起征点将从38,365美元提高到41,089美元.
  • 老年人和养老金领取者的家庭起征点将从53,406美元提高到57,198美元.
  • For each dependent child or student, the family income thresholds will increase by a further $4,027 instead of the previous amount of $3,760.

HECS/HELP study debt indexation changes

政府已经宣布改变学习债务的指数化, 指出若追溯适用新的指数化率,将有300万人受惠,并可免除30亿元的贷款债务.

新的指数化率将以消费物价指数或工资物价指数中较低者为准。.  For 2022-23 the WPI was lower than CPI, 因此,2023年6月1日适用的指数化指数将从7日追溯调整.1% down to 3.2%.  在撰写本文时,尚无2024年6月1日指数化金额的数据.

The implications of the 2023 adjustment down from 7.1% to 3.2% are:

  • If your HELP debt is still in place, 根据这次调整,你的部分债务将被消除.
  • If you have since paid off your HELP debt in full, you will be entitled to a refund for the adjustment amount.  The delivery of this refund has not yet been announced.
  • 如果你在2023年6月1日之前还清了你的HELP债务,预计会有7.1% indexation, 那么你将不会收到退款,因为回溯调整适用于2023年6月1日的$0余额.

ATO funding and compliance program extension


这一扩展将使ATO能够继续提供积极主动的组合, 针对关键的不合规问题采取预防和纠正措施, including overclaiming of deductions, incorrect reporting of income, and inappropriate tax agent influence. 这将使ATO能够继续关注税收系统的新风险, such as deductions relating to short-term rental properties. This measure is estimated to increase receipts by $180.3 million and increase payments by $44.3 million over the 5 years from 2023–24.


政府再次履行了他们在选举前的承诺,即在他们的第一个任期内不改变退休金制度.  Aside from indirect references around compliance programs, 预算案中有一项重要的与退休金相关的措施, as well as a reminder of another key measure from last year below.

Superannuation – Paid Parental Leave (PPL)


  • $1.1 billion over four years from 2024–25 (and $0.为2025年7月1日或之后出生和收养的人支付联邦政府资助的PPL养老金. 符合条件的父母将在退休金保障的基础上获得额外的付款(PPL付款的12%), as a contribution to their superannuation fund by the Government.
  • 由2024至2025年起,在两年内拨款1,000万元,为小型企业雇主提供额外的支援,协助他们管理公共福利.
  • $1.从2023年到2024年,在两年内为潜在的PPL接收者更新通信产品和文件.

$3 million superannuation balances 

Despite no changes in their first term, 此前宣布的从2025年7月1日起对养老金总额超过300万美元的人征收296部税,现在以立法草案的形式提交给议会.  政府已经进行了协商,虽然它要到2025年7月1日才适用, 现在有意向像之前宣布的那样将这些措施立法.

A reminder that the key features of the proposal are:

  • It applies to the total superannuation held by an individual, regardless of how many funds they have an account in.
  • It applies a 15% tax to unrealised gains in asset values.
  • 它适用于2026年6月30日300万美元以上结余的价值增加.  因此,截至2025年6月30日的未实现收益实际上不受此税影响.  增加的数额将供款和提款计入澳门官方赌场数额.
  • The tax is assessed to the member, 因此,他们可以选择亲自支付这笔钱,或者选择由他们的退休基金支付这笔税.

For more information on the May 2024 Federal Budget please click here for our overview.

About the Author
丹尼尔·阿内菲, Accru Melbourne
Daniel于2004年作为商业咨询服务部的毕业生加入Accru Melbourne. 从那时起,继续学习特许澳门赌场官网和税务硕士课程,以建立技术技能并补充建立客户关系. Daniel became a Director in 2015.
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